Half of Companies Have Suffered a Cybersecurity Issue Amid COVID-19 CrisisHalf of Companies Have Suffered a Cybersecurity Issue Amid COVID-19 Crisis
Survey shows 49% expect to experience a data breach or cybersecurity incident in the next month.
Social distancing and working from home may be helping to stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic but they aren't doing much good for enterprise cybersecurity.
According to the results of a new study, nearly half (46%) of global businesses have encountered at least one cybersecurity scare since shifting to a remote working model. And 49% of the survey respondents anticipate suffering a data breach or security incident in the next month as a result of moving employees to work-from-home.
The study, conducted by Barracuda, found that the increase in perceived risk has not been accompanied by an increase in security spending. Some 40% of companies surveyed said that their response to COVID-19 has included cutting their cybersecurity budget and 50% said that they would consider cutting staff if cybersecurity could be maintained.
For more, read here.
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