SWIFT: System Unaffected Following Shadow Brokers LeakSWIFT: System Unaffected Following Shadow Brokers Leak
SWIFT, the interbank messaging system allegedly targeted by the NSA, says there is no indication its network has been compromised.
SWIFT said yesterday that there are no signs of foul play in its network or messaging systems following last week's data dump by the Shadow Brokers.
Shadow Brokers released several Windows exploits, which were allegedly stolen from the NSA and used to break into SWIFT systems. The information released by Shadow Brokers, which dates back several years, indicates the leaked tools could be used to access two service bureaus, or third-party providers connecting businesses to SWIFT. This would provide the NSA a view into communications between customers and organizations outsourcing their SWIFT activity.
SWIFT says it is in contact with the service bureaus involved to ensure they know about the allegations and have taken the necessary preventative measures. The EastNets Service Bureau, one of the organizations, says its customers have not been affected.
SWIFT confirmed that its systems were not targeted. "We can confirm that there is no impact on SWIFT's infrastructure or data, and we have no evidence to suggest that there has been any unauthorised access to SWIFT's network or messaging services," the financial messaging service said in a press FAQ.
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