6 Eye-Opening Statistics About Software Supply Chain Security6 Eye-Opening Statistics About Software Supply Chain Security

The latest facts and figures on the state of software supply chain security in the enterprise.

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News and analysis of the SolarWinds hack that broke at the end of 2020 has set the tone for discourse about the security of the software supply chain. Attackers always look for the least path of resistance, and they’re increasingly finding that going after one big compromise at a software supplier can reap them easier access to that organization’s many customers. 

The following statistics offer some measurement of the growth of these supply chain attacks, the cost and impacts from these attacks, and the level of concern voiced by organizations that are feeling the brunt of insecurities in the software supply chain.

About the Author

Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Writer

Ericka Chickowski specializes in coverage of information technology and business innovation. She has focused on information security for the better part of a decade and regularly writes about the security industry as a contributor to Dark Reading.

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