Cloud Security Alliance: 10 Ways To Achieve Access Control For Big Data
A look at granular access control of the big data security and privacy.
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The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Big Data Working Group recently released a new handbook: The Big Data Security and Privacy Handbook: 100 Best Practices in Big Data Security and Privacy. The handbook includes 10 categories of consideration for the biggest challenges in big data security, including:
Secure Computations in Distributed Programming Frameworks
Security Best Practices for Non-Relational Data Stores
Secure Data Storage and Transaction Logs
Endpoint Input Validation / Filtering
Real-Time Security / Compliance Monitoring
Scalable and Composable Privacy-Preserving Analytics
Cryptographic Technologies for Big Data
Granular Access Control
Granular Audits
Data Provenance
Number 9 in the list--Granular Access Control—is described by CSA as “a tool that can be used to reduce data restriction without violating policies.”
Here's a closer look at this category, where the 10 best practices can also be applied to any system holding critical or otherwise sensitive data.
For the full list of 100 best practices captured in the handbook visit:
For additional Big Data research from CSA visit: