7 Deadly Security Sins of Web Applications7 Deadly Security Sins of Web Applications
The top ways organizations open themselves up to damaging Web app attacks.
April 3, 2018
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Web application attacks are on the rise, according to recent figures from Akamai, which logged a 10% increase in attacks from Q4 of 2016 to the same time period in 2017.
"The vast majority of web application attacks are the result of untargeted scans looking for any vulnerable system, but a few are directed attempts to compromise a specific target," writes Martin McKeay, senior security advocate for the firm, within its most recent State of the Internet Security report. "In either case, they are so frequent and so 'noisy' — in other words, difficult to accurately detect — that many organizations are struggling to simply keep their web application firewalls running effectively, and do not have the spare cycles to worry about what their systems might be missing."
The bottom line is that organizations need to improve their secure coding practices to reduce their risk in their arena. This list highlights some of the biggest risks organizations open themselves up to when it comes to their Web apps.
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