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Poll Results: Smart Enterprises, Dumb Homes

At work, security pros have their fingers on some pretty cutting-edge technology. But are their homes souped up, too?

Edge Editors, Dark Reading

October 24, 2019

2 Min Read

Security pros have their fingers on some pretty cutting-edge technology. After all, that's what they need to safeguard their organizations and stay as many steps ahead of attackers as possible.

So you might think these tech-savvy folks would be equally eager to own the latest and greatest innovations on the homefront — stuff like smart TVs and speakers, mobile-controlled thermostats and lighting, and video-connected doorbells, to name a few. Right?



In The Edge's most recent poll, we asked readers to tell us, on a scale of 1 to 5, how "smart" is your home? "Dumb" was the resounding answer, chosen by 69% of 305 respondents. But like most things in life, dumb comes in many flavors, so for this poll survey takers had their choice of two: "dumb as a rock and that's how I like it" (cited by 44%) and the slightly scaled-back "pretty dumb" (25%).

Then we have the moderates — another 25% who said they're all about "striking a cost-effective balance between tech enthusiasm and security caution." Finally, barely 4% labeled their abodes "wicked smart," while only five brave individuals (under 2%) replied "highly intelligent, voice-activated IoT everywhere. Can't wait for my thought-activated IoT."

As vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to proliferate, leaving devices and homes open to attack, could it make sense to follow our pollsters' lead?

(Maybe, just maybe, being a security professional means you're too smart to have a smart home?) 

Take The Edge's new poll.

(Image: mast3r via Adobe Stock)

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Edge Editors

Dark Reading

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