Spam Levels Almost Double In FebruarySpam Levels Almost Double In February
According to Eleven Research Team, spam volume rose by 92.2 percent compared to previous month
March 13, 2013
Berlin, March 12, 2013 - Spam levels almost doubled in February 2013: According to analysis conducted by the Eleven Research Team, the spam volume rose by 92.2 percent compared to the previous month. This trend was reflected by particularly dangerous e-mail categories as well: Phishing levels rose by 69.8 percent, e-mails carrying known malware by 156.9 percent and virus outbreaks by 49.8 percent. Overall, there was a strong and consistent growth of unwanted and dangerous e-mail in February 2013.
Each month, the research team of Eleven, leading German e-mail security provider, presents the "Number of the Month" - a number representing and illustrating a current issue or trend in e-mail security.
Eleven - E-mail security "Made in Germany"
Eleven is a leading e-mail security provider based in Germany. Its unique eXpurgate technology offers a spam filter and e-mail categorization service that protects the user reliably against spam and phishing, detects potentially dangerous e-mail and can distinguish between individual messages and any kind of mass e-mail. eXpurgate also offers numerous virus protection options and a powerful e-mail firewall.
Over 45,000 companies of all sizes use eXpurgate to check and categorize more than a billion e-mail messages every day. Customers include Internet service providers and telecommunication carriers such as T-Online, O2, Kabel Deutschland, 1&1 and freenet as well as many well-known companies and public institutions, including Air Berlin, BMW, the Federal Association of German Banks, DATEV, the Free University of Berlin, Landesbank Berlin, RTL, SAP, ThyssenKrupp and Tobit Software AG. For more information, visit our website at:
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