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Tips for Securing the Software Supply ChainTips for Securing the Software Supply Chain

Industry experts share how to implement comprehensive security strategies necessary to secure the software supply chain in Dark Reading's latest Tech Insights report.

Software supply chain attacks are relatively easy to conduct and have a significant payoff for attackers, so it's little wonder why they're top-of-mind for CISOs.

"This is especially the case if the vulnerable hardware or software has a high adoption across enterprise organizations," says ReliaQuest CISO Jeff Music.

While some software supply chain attacks, such as the ones involving MOVEit and SolarWinds, garner considerable attention, there are many software supply chain attacks occurring every day that don't get their moment in the spotlight. And no one beyond their victims ever hear about what happened.

But whether well-known or obscure, they create considerable risk for organizations.

For Dark Reading's latest Tech Insights report, "How Supply Chain Attacks Work and How to Secure Them," we interviewed experts who shared how to implement the comprehensive security strategies necessary to defend against these attacks. They include managing vendor risk, implementing security frameworks, conducting software composition analysis, and ensuring adequate DevSecOps practices are in place.

Can't Blindly Trust Software

In software supply chain attacks, malicious code or components are inserted into legitimate software applications or dependencies. The malicious software then enables attackers to infiltrate organizations that use those compromised systems.

Unfortunately, enterprises can't blindly trust their technology environments — from their end-user endpoints to third-party suppliers or the open-source components they rely on. These software supply chain attacks are insidious and have the power to compromise vast amounts of enterprise data and disrupt essential services across all business sectors.

In the case of MOVEit, for example, the attacks compromised the personal data of millions of people and affected more than 1,050 organizations, including those in the federal government, healthcare, education, finance, and insurance.

The stakes are high, and CISOs and security teams are grappling with these risks. Download a copy of our new report to learn from industry experts about how to implement the comprehensive security strategies necessary to defend against supply chain attacks.

About the Author

George V. Hulme, Contributing Writer

An award winning writer and journalist, for more than 20 years George Hulme has written about business, technology, and IT security topics. He currently freelances for a wide range of publications, and is security blogger at

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