ENISA Backs EU's Call For Action Against Cyberthreats

Agency 'willing to do everything within its mandate to support all necessary actions of the EU and its Member States to combat these threats and to protect the economy of Europe, which, ultimately may be at stake,' says ENISA's executive director

March 30, 2009

1 Min Read


The European Network and Information Security Agency, i.e. the EU Agency ENISA, today responded to the communication by the European Commission earlier today.

In the communication, the European Commission invited ENISA 'to support this initiative by fostering a dialogue between all actors and the cooperation necessary at the European level.' The communication pointed to that electronic communication services and networks provide the backbone of European economy, where 93% of EU companies and 51% of Europeans actively used the internet in 2007.

Mr. Andrea PIROTTI, Executive Director of ENISA, confirmed today the ability of the Agency to support the initiative of the Commission, by strengthening its resources.

Commenting on the communication, Mr Pirotti clarified: 'ENISA is ready to pick up the gavel and support the European Commission in its efforts to address these crucial matters. The Agency is willing to do everything within its mandate to support all necessary actions of the EU and its Member States to combat these threats and to protect the economy of Europe, which, ultimately may be at stake.'

The Agency anticipates providing a full analysis and response to the European Commission communication by mid April.'

Background: European Commission Communication, IP/09/494: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/494&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

For further information, please contact Mr. Ulf Bergstrom, Press and Communications Officer, ENISA, , Mobile phone: .Tel: +30 2810 391286, www.enisa.europa.eu

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