Senate Votes To Upgrade Cyber Command Into War-Fighting UnitSenate Votes To Upgrade Cyber Command Into War-Fighting Unit
NDAA legislation awaits Obama signature; Admiral Mike Rogers will still head both Cyber Command and NSA, at least for now.
The US Senate voted last week to separate Cyber Command from NSA and make it an independent combatant unit, The Hill Reports. The legislation - the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) - now moves on to President Barack Obama for approval.
It is unclear whether Obama will sign the NDAA because of White House concerns over the Guantanamo Bay prisoners transfer, which is part of the legislation. Obama wants to close the prison.
If signed into law, the NDAA will keep a more controversial element of Cyber Command’s structure, at least for now: Admiral Mike Rogers will maintain his dual role as the director of both the NSA and Cyber Command. The arrangement is not looked upon favorably by many who want the post split before Obama leaves office.
Adm. Rogers says it is not yet time for Cyber Command to move out from under NSA.
Speaking in favor the law was Virginia Senator Mark Warner, who said Congress "should give our military the tools they need to do battle in the 21st century, whether it takes place on the field or in cyberspace, and elevating CYBERCOM will improve mission outcomes and make us more agile in defending against 21st century threats.”
Read full story on The Hill.
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