Goode Intelligence Predicts Biometric Security For All Smart Mobile Devices

Biometric security to become a "must have" on all smart mobile devices

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

August 2, 2012

2 Min Read

London, United Kingdom – 30 July 2012 – Goode Intelligence ( has predicted that mobile biometric security will move from “an interesting concept” to a “must-have” feature for all smart mobile devices (SMDs[1]).

“Last year, we forecasted that the mobile biometric security market would grow to 39 million users by 2015” said Alan Goode, founder and MD of Goode Intelligence. “This was based on the expectation that initial growth would come from two biometric modalities; embedded fingerprint sensors and voice biometrics. The news that Apple is buying fingerprint sensor specialist AuthenTec further supports the evidence for this exciting trend.”

In its recent Analyst Report, Mobile Phone Biometric Security – Analysis and Forecasts 2011 – 2015[2], Goode Intelligence stated they were “following the market closely and watching how vendors such as Apple are building up their capabilities in this market. Apple acquired Siri Inc. in 2010 and then a year later in 2011 they integrated the voice-based personal assistant into iOS 5. Siri gives Apple the potential to move into voice biometrics and is a perfect authentication solution across a wide range of consumer devices including smart phone, tablet and TV – the agile gatekeeper for cloud-based services”. Goode added that “we are equally excited with the potential that AuthenTec’s mobile security portfolio can now give Apple and we wouldn’t be surprised if we start to see fingerprint sensors appearing in future Apple products.”

Goode Intelligence predicts that mobile biometric security “will become a standard feature in SMDs as these devices become the prime computer in both our personal and business life. Whether it is for protecting the physical device or for providing strong authentication and identity verification for a remote service, such as NFC-based mobile payments, mobile phone-based biometrics can offer a wide variety of solutions – the third factor in the palm of your hand.”

This is backed up by forecasts made in the report that shows that conditions are now right to create a strong market for biometric technology in mobile phones and predicts significant adoption rates over the next three to four years.

According to Goode Intelligence, market adoption for mobile biometric security will be due to three key factors:

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