Be Aware: 8 Tips for Security Awareness TrainingBe Aware: 8 Tips for Security Awareness Training
Hint: One giant security training session to rule them all is not the way to go.
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Throwing money at a security problem does not always improve security. Taking money away from an awareness project does not always improve return on investment. So, the panelists advise, do not let the almighty dollar run your awareness program.
Although awareness may give you a better dollar-for-dollar ROI than any other security measure, as Baker suggested, Melancon cautioned, "Don't see spending as a key metric of effectiveness."
Michael Crouse, director of insider threat strategies for Raytheon Cyber Products, added that when it comes to getting management buy-in for security awareness, remember that "buy-in" does not necessarily mean "budget."
Easier said than done? Have other awareness tips and tricks that have done wonders for your organization? Let us know in the comments below.
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