More Than 90% of Developers Believe Unit Testing Is Most Effective For Reducing BugsMore Than 90% of Developers Believe Unit Testing Is Most Effective For Reducing Bugs
Bugs are the responsibility of developers, according to 80 percent of Typemock survey takers
April 5, 2012
Tel-Aviv, April 4, 2012 – Typemock, ( the leading provider and pioneer of easy unit testing solutions, released today the results of their developer survey, finding that over 90 percent of developers agree that unit testing is an effective practice to reduce software bugs. Typemock surveyed developers from around the world to gather their opinion on the impact of software bugs. The global online survey showed that developers think that unit testing was more effective in reducing bugs than other practices, such as integration testing, pair programming, and QA. Only 50-70 percent of respondents find them to be effective in reducing bugs.
80 percent of respondents said that bugs are the responsibility of developers and only 8 percent said it was QA’s. More than 54 percent of respondents noted that they were responsible for bugs in their company’s software. An additional 26 percent of respondents felt that another developer was most responsible for software bugs.
Finding and fixing bugs takes up a significant portion of developers’ time, according to the survey. 48 percent of respondents said that they spend up to 5 hours each week finding and fixing bugs and 38 percent said they spend up to 10 hours a week on this alone, which is 25 percent of the average work week. An additional 12 percent spend over 10 hours of their week finding and fixing bugs. According to data received from customers using Typemock Team Mate, tracking developers’ actual usage, the amount of time developers spend using the debugger is even higher than they think – around 50-55 percent of their time.
Today, a company’s value is greatly affected when customers experience bugs in their software. Over 50 percent of respondents noted that, as developers, it is most damaging to their reputation when end users report a bug in the program.
As the survey shows, unit testing is more crucial than ever and with proper unit testing developers will be more efficient, catch more bugs, and create higher-quality code.
“As professional programmers, we know that unit testing is the best way to get rid of software bugs,” said Eli Lopian, CEO of Typemock. “Over 90 percent of developers see unit testing as the most effective way to find and fix bugs. We know that unit testing is difficult to start and the rewards are great. This is exactly the problem that Typemock is out to solve – helping beginners, novices, and experts to reach their unit testing/TDD goals. Automated unit testing with Typemock’s Isolator V7 ensures software bugs are caught instantly so they can be corrected immediately.”
About Typemock
The Isolator tool family enables easy unit testing - the lubricant of agile development - of any .NET or C/C++ code (including legacy code and unwritten code). Isolator V7 reduces bugs with the Autorunner and failed test analyzer. Isolator V7 also features visual code coverage, powerful mocking, high quality test assurance to guide you to write unit tests correctly, low maintenance test assurance, ensuring robust tests that don’t break, and integration with industry- leading tools.
Typemock was conceived in 2004 to help programmers become Agile through easy unit testing. Since the launch of the first version of Typemock Isolator in 2006, thousands of companies around the world use Typemock tools to make unit testing easy and to prevent bugs. Typemock users are developers from a wide range of sectors – such as defense, medical, and finance – that demand exceptionally high standards of quality and minimum bugs.
Typemock is a privately funded company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. See
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