'Shift Left': Codifying Intuition into Secure DevOps

Shifting left is more than a catchy phrase. It's a mindset that emphasizes the need to think about security in all phases of the software development life cycle.

Kevin E. Greene, Public Sector CTO, OpenText Cybersecurity

January 10, 2018

5 Min Read
By PARINYA ART via shutterstock

Continuous delivery (CD) is becoming the cornerstone of modern software development, enabling organizations to ship — in small increments — new features and functionality to customers faster to meet market demands. CD is achieved by applying DevOps practices and principles (continuous integration and continuous deployment) from development to operations. There is no continuous delivery without implementing DevOps practices and principles. By that, I mean strong communication and collaboration across teams, and automation across testing, build, and deployment pipelines. But often achieving continuous delivery to meet market demands presents numerous challenges for security. 

While DevOps principles and practices acknowledge the need for security, many organizations struggle to find the right fit and speed for integrating security into DevOps. In a study conducted by HP Enterprise, 99% of respondents say that while DevOps culture offers the opportunity to improve application security practices, only 20% of respondents say that secure systems development life cycle (SDLC) testing is done throughout their development process. (Read "Software Assurance: Thinking Back, Looking Forward.")

Security is still trying to catch up with all the innovative software being developed, tested, deployed, and delivered without slowing or bogging down the process. Security has to be intrinsic and transparent yet visible enough in the process that it is a "shared" responsibility at the heart of DevOps practices and principles. So when a product owner describes new features and functionality that need to be added to the next release, everyone thinks about ways in which those features and functionality can be designed and implemented securely to reduce exposures and vulnerabilities. This is what it means to "Shift Left."

I often hear that slogan in the industry: "Shift Left." Most of the time the term is used in reference to moving security testing into continuous integration. While I agree that security testing as part of continuous integration is important, it's way too late at that point in time. "Shift Left" must go far left, past continuous integration into the requirements and design phases. "Shift Left" to me is a mindset that thinks about security from the onset and is pervasive throughout the software development process. This is what it means to build "security in."

When you start far left, you have the opportunity to embed the appropriate security lexicon and security considerations into the requirements phase. Starting with really solid security requirements allows organizations to codify their intuitions into design; it enables organizations to make sound design decisions up front that will help eliminate technical debt and reduce the cost to maintain software.

Codifying intuitions is a concept I got from a colleague of mine, David Molnar, a security researcher from Microsoft, in a talk about what security can learn from AI. The concept of "codifying your intuitions" was used in a larger context to the security domain, but also, specifically, to defending against adversarial activity and advanced persistent threats in a talk by security researcher Taesoo Kim. I like the concept because it reinforces the need to think like an adversary and infer some of our intuitions and assumptions not only into security design but also into developers' daily activities. Kim gives an example in his talk about what led Jung Hoon Lee, a notable bug bounty hunter, to find vulnerabilities at the Pwn20wn 2016 hacking contest. Lee attributes the discovery of exploitable vulnerabilities to his "intuition." 

The Gift of Intuition
Experience in the trenches working in security, developing software, breaking software, and protecting software forms patterns in our minds that provide a solid foundation from which we can train our minds and mental capacities to recognize and be more aware. I tend to look at intuition as the revelations about the mental patterns we accumulate over time; intuition forms from the right hemisphere of the brain (the creativity region) and inspires ingenuity. As with many complex problems in cybersecurity, solutions to those problems often require some level of curiosity and creativity to decompose complexity. This same level of curiosity and creativity is what often motivates attackers. It must be applied to software development to help organizations shift their "security-minded thinking" all the way left.  

One of the keys to shifting left is figuring out how to codify intuitions into threat models that can be used to guide secure software development. This could be in the form of user stories and misuse/abuse cases that help organizations better understand how to securely design and implement features and functionality into software. These threat models can be used to:

  • Guide product teams in making good design decisions regarding security features of the systems.

  • Assist developers in understanding the consequences of their refactoring or development activities when implementing the design in code.

  • Develop situational awareness about security threats and risks that can be used to guide more targeted and efficient security testing (achieving security "at-speed") throughout the software development life cycle.

To help organizations formalize threat modeling activities into their SDLC, organizations should consider adopting the following practices and standards:

  • Leverage Common Architectural Weakness Enumeration (CAWE) in formulating good user stories about new features and functionality. CAWE has been recently added into MITRE's CWE 3.0 release

  • For user stories, crosswalk CAPEC and ATT&CK to codify intuitions in the development of misuse/abuse cases to better understand ways in which the system can be compromised and attacked.

  • Once the security design has been validated and verified, use CWE to understand how to correctly implement the security design, along with the features and functionality into code. 

Shifting left is a mindset, a philosophy that emphasis the need to think about security (codify your intuitions) in all phases of the SDLC.  

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About the Author

Kevin E. Greene

Public Sector CTO, OpenText Cybersecurity

Kevin E. Greene is a public sector expert at OpenText Cybersecurity. With more than 25 years of experience in cybersecurity, he is an experienced leader, champion, and advocate for advancing the state of art and practice around improving software security. He has been successful in leading federal funded research and development (R&D) and has a proven track record in tech transition and commercialization. Notably research from Hybrid Analysis Mapping (HAM) project was commercialized in former technologies/products by Secure Decisions’ Code Dx and Denim Group Thread Fix, which were acquired by Synopsis and Coal Fire respectively. Additional commercialization includes GrammaTech Code Sonar, KDM Analytics Blade platform and research transitioned to improve MITRE’s Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) by incorporating architectural design issues from the Common Architectural Weakness Enumeration (CAWE) research project developed by Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Prior to joining OpenText Cybersecurity, Kevin worked at the MITRE Corporation supporting DevSecOps initiatives for sponsors, Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) research under the Center for Threat Informed Defense (CTID), and high-performing contributor to MITRE’s CWE program. Kevin valued his time serving the nation as a federal employee at the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directory, Cyber Security division, where he was as program manager leading federal funded research in software security.

Kevin currently serves on the advisory board/committee for New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Cybersecurity Research Center where he holds both a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Information Systems; as well as Bowie State University Computer Technology department and Bryant University Cybersecurity/Cloud Program external advisory boards.

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