Zack Schuler
Founder and CEO, NINJIO
Zack Schuler is the CEO/founder of NINJIO, an IT security awareness company that empowers individuals and organizations to become defenders against cyber threats. He is driven by the idea of a "security awareness mindset," in which online safety becomes part of who someone is — almost an element of their DNA. This mentality is what gives people the ability and the confidence to protect themselves, their families, and their organizations. Prior to launching NINJIO, Zack was the CEO/founder of IT services company Cal Net Technology Group. Over the course of 15 years, what started as a solo-preneur venture based from the trunk of his car turned into a multimillion-dollar business. Cal Net was acquired by Olympic Valley Capital in 2013.
In addition to his entrepreneurial pursuits, Zack is a member of the Forbes Technology Council and is on the board of governors for Opportunity International, and organization that provides microfinance loans, savings, insurance, and training to over 14.3 million people who are working their way out of poverty in the developing world.